
Reading is a superpower! 💫


It's Christmas Eve and Alfred the mouse is alone in the house. He is quite bored and craving some excitement. He decides to go outside and finds himself on a journey near and far. But being adventurous is also tiring, and he wants to be home by Christmas morning.

After climbing a tree, skating on a pond, and sledding down a hill, Alfred is tired and decides to head home. The way home doesn't seem to be the same path but he keeps trekking onward. He comes upon an igloo but sees a cat so keeps on going even though he is very tired. Alfred finally finds a place where everyone seems to be very busy and doesn't notice him. This is where Santa finds Alfred snoring in his sleep, tucks him into his pocket, and gives him a ride home.

When Alfred awakens in his own bed, he remembers his adventures but isn't sure if it really happened or was just a dream. But then he hears Ho, Ho, Ho!

Join Alfred the mouse as he travels on his journey through a winter wonderland.

Ages 3-8



Crystal the snowflake is softly floating down from the sky thinking that one little snowflake means nothing at all. She wishes for enough to make a snowman and gets snowflakes galore. Enough for a snowman, but she still needs help.

With hats, gloves, and mittens, children come running from the house. Crystal is hoping the children will want to build a snowman. One tiny snowflake may be small but gathered together they make a snowman quite tall.

The power of friendships and working together make everything fun in this short rhyming bedtime story.

Ages 3 - 7


Sometimes kids just need a fun book to read!


How these stories came to life:

For many years I've been writing Christmas stories for my grandchildren. Typically, their parents would read the story to them either Christmas Eve or Christmas morning. This tradition became expected even as they grew older and no longer believed in Santa Claus. It was almost a mutiny when I said they were getting too old. They still wanted a story from Nana. Sometimes the story comes easily and practically writes itself. Other times I'm feverishly typing on Christmas Eve trying to get an email out in time.

Alfred's Winter Adventure is my first foray into publishing after being 'nudged' by family and friends. For several reasons, finding an illustrator was a bit of a chore. But then I had an epiphany. My sister! After all, we did paint a mural in the playroom for her little ones back in the day. The tricky part was convincing her to do it. She eventually agreed and I let her choose which story and gave her creative license to draw what she wanted. I'm thankful that she was able to bring Alfred the mouse to life.

This project was definitely a learning curve for both of us. We live on opposite sides of the country and have never done anything like this before. There were many back-and-forth phone calls, emails, FaceTime, learning how the programs work (or don't work), and revisions, revisions, revisions. But we persevered and finally crossed the finish line.

​Neither my sister nor I have a writing, illustrating, or publishing background. My paralegal skills definitely helped when doing research. My sister managed corporate jets but was flying blind with this project. (Sorry, I couldn't resist the pun.)

We hope your little ones have fun and enjoy reading.